Calf strain:


Hypermobility component. Doctor believes they would benefit from cervical and core strengthening.



MaF - Eval for R shoulder scope, R sub pec biceps tenodesis performed Feb 9th, 2024 (10 days post op)
Biceps tenodesis:
SLAP repair:


-Bike with yellow TB around knees
-Adductor squeezes with ball 
-Sit to stands with band 
-Terminal knee extension with step up and appropriate knee position

Asses knee strength MMT
Assess hip strength MMT

Seated ER with shoulder propped on table at 90 deg abd
Prone ER with shoulder at 90 deg abd
Assess tolerance to rows at home

Seated flexion stretch
Posterior and anterior pelvic tilt
Ball rolling in seated stretch
Hip extension leaning on table
Pallof press
TA bracing



Hip flexion isometric at 90 deg, LTR with feet shoulder width to patient's tolerance, upright bike, hip AROM to patient's tolerance, ball rolling into hip and knee flexion in supine, Standing calf raise double leg
Next visit, should be able to add more.

Quadruped cervical retraction with rotation

Stationary bike Retrograde massage. Heel slides Standing weight shifts without walker Knee flexion stretch for 2 min at seated position Heel raises Standing hip abduction Standing marches 



Elbow flexion in seated
Elbow flexion in supine
Shoulder flexion with cane to work increasing AROM with less pain
Supine AROM in flexion

MaF - (Day 25) Continue same precautions this visit. 
Bike with the R UE passively performed and the L UE performing 100% of the activity, 2 min forward, 2 min backward
Shoulder isometrics in neutral position (add to HEP)

Progress note. Discharge if everything is going okay or schedule out one more visit if progress vertical VOR.
Progress vertical VORx1 as indicated with speed and duration 

Passive stretches
Passive range of motion
STM with cupping
Cervical AROM with pillows under arms 
Assess cervical deep cervical flexor strength for time
Sensory integration with touch discrimination.



Start with soft tissue mobilization while seated
Assess technique with HEP: flexion walkouts 2x10
Shoulder PROM in reclined position.
Trial AAROM with cane: flexion, abduction, ER
Isometrics: flexion, abduction, adduction, extension
Scapular squeezes, shoulder rolls
Add to HEP: isometrics

Knee extension with yellow TB 
Stool scoots forward and backward but in W/C
Step ups
Reclined hip flexion

TF distraction
Quad sets
Clam shells
LAQ and knee extension with isometrics with ankle weights 
chair scoots in W/C forward and backward 

Low-frequency TENS
Rows with cervical retraction 



LAQ with 1 lb weight
hamstring stretch
Bridges are fine at 0-2 weeks

Same protocol



Quadruped cervical retraction and rotation
Foam roll

20 days post op
Single leg stance



32 days post op. At 35 days, we can start with the 5 week protocol. This will be after her next visit.

>5 min on bike for warmup
>Perform slump test again
>Assess flexion/extension ratio
--Biering-Sorensen for extension set-up: on high-low table and two belts anchored around ankles and below glutes with torso hanging off table. Elbows placed on rolling stool. For the test, move the stool and allow them to balance in neutral extension. Normal individuals can balance for 1.5-2 min. If patient starts to creep into flexion, time will stop. Also compare the ratio of extensors to flexors.
--Assess flexion:extension ratio with the the Biering-Sorensen test to the abdominal isometric hold. In hooklying position, hip ankle should be about 30 deg and the head is straight in that position. Compare the two results. Extensors should be stronger. For example, if able to hold extension for 120 sec/2 min, flexion should be held for 100 sec.
>CPA to lumbar, 40 sec grade 3-4 oscillation, 3x
>Press ups repeatedly 
>Cupping, STM, trigger point release
>Run through HEP: 
-quad stretch: 2x30 sec, 2x/day
-hamstring stretch: 2x30 sec, 2x/day
-massage ball to back: 5 min, every other day. 
>Clam shells
>TA bracing
>TA bracing with hedgehog rocking and rolling
>Pallof press and give as HEP
Update HEP:
-Add hip abduction in sidelying
-Isometric extension as indicated
-Pallof press



STM to paraspinals, BIL UT, cupping
CPA to C5 and C6
Sideglide mobility
Suboccipital release
Thoracic CPAs 
upper cervical neck flexion endurance test
Sensory re-integration
Cervical isometrics
Cervical retraction in seated
Cervical retraction with rotation

Sensory re-integration


Headache, dizziness, and feeling foggy


Visual/Vestibular Exam:
-Spontaneous Nystagmus: Holding pt's head still and looking for nystagmus while they look straight.
-Fixed Gaze Nystagmus: Use pin to take pt's vision up, down, side-to-side only 30 deg and look at nystagmus at end of motion while they hold their vision.
---Alexander’s Law: with unilateral nystagmus, if looking to the right with left issues, it will speed up fast phase toward the right, but looking to the left, you still get fast to the right, but slower. If central, it would be fast no matter where you are looking. 
-Occulomotor range of motion: Looking to see if the eyes move conjugately and smoothly. 18-24 in. Small amount of end-range nystagmus is normal. Small jump in eye movement as eyes cross mid-line is normal.
-Smooth pursuits: 24-36 in. from pt. 60 deg of total arc of motion. Small jump in eye movement as eyes cross mid-line is normal. Smooth pursuit eye  movements may be slightly saccadic in older people.
-Convergence: Hold finger 2 ft away and bring closer to nose. Eyes should converge and pupils should constrict. Ask when the patient sees 2 fingers (pens) or it becomes blurry.
Convergence should be sustainable <6cm from tip of nose.
-Saccades (vertical and horizontal): Pt looks at 2 objects 15 deg apart. Looking for number of eye movements it takes for patient’s eyes to reach target. Normal is < or equal to 2 movements. Overshoots are always a positive test!!
-Can also assess ocular alignment.
-VOR Cancellation: Head tilted 30 deg. Head and hand moving in same direction. Assessing for saccadic eye movements (central dysfunction).
-VOR (vertical and horizontal): Head tilted 30 deg.
-Head Thrust Test: Tilted 30 deg downward. 10 deg only for the thrust. Looking for corrective saccades back to target. Positive test indicates vestibular hypofunction on ipsilateral side.
-Head Shaking Nystagmus: Tilt pt's head down 30 deg. Close eyes and shake their head 20x at 2 Hz. Have pt open eyes and fixate vision on a target. Look for nystagmus. Works best with VNG goggles or Frenzel lenses. If nystagmus present, positive sign for unilateral vestibular hypofunction.
-Visual Acuity/Dynamic Visual Acuity.


-Pt's who are motivated do quite better than pt's who are less motivated.
-Vestibular rehab as indicated. Starting light and progressing.
-Exercise 30 min per day.
-Regular sleep.
-Drink 8 glasses of water per day.
Vestibular migraine isn't fully understood but seems to result from overlapping pathways that modulate pain and vestibular inputs into the brain.

-If central dysfunction: work on saccades and smooth pursuits as indicated.
-Wonderful visual exercises under semester 5 concussion and TBI folder

For improving Saccades:
-This is a website the patient can access.


RTC repair, subacromial decompression, bicep tenodesis: 4/3/24. Day 15.
PROM flexion, external rotation, internal rotation, abduction to patient's tolerance
Bicep tenodesis: no ER greater than 40 deg for 4 weeks.
PROM shoulder flexion/extension, pronation/supination to tolerance
Table walkouts in flexion
PROM shoulder flexion/extension, pronation/supination
Supine shoulder ER with wand
Scapular retraction



DeFe, cevical arthroplasty
Gentle STM to paraspinals as needed
Grade I-II joint mobilizations above/below surgical site for pain
Light cervical AROM with neutral spine
Avoid sitting for prolonged periods of time
Lift no more than 10 lbs.
-Cervical retractions 
-Scapular retractions
-Shoulder shrugs, scapular clocks 
-Biceps/triceps/shoulder ER/IR/Flex/EXT - Fine motor function with hands 
-Core: tra/multifidi/glute med/max isometrics

HaKu, Ehler's Danlos Syndrome for cervical, upper back and low back pain
Strengthening and STM
High repetition resistance training for cardiovascular fitness
Strength training



May 12th can transition to no lifts.
Weight shifts
Light stretch into DF but not to exceed 0 deg


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